Whether you live close to nature or not, you will be enchanted by Danièle Désourdy’s incredible paintings. Each of the paintings that we have in the gallery represents an animal. The works change frequently but at the moment you have the chance to see a bear, a family of foxes and a moose among other amazing animals.
Her biography reads:
Danièle Désourdy is an artist from Quebec, Canada. She studied art in high school and college. During her career she’s participated in many artistic projects. Her passion for fauna and flora is more than ever at the heart of her artistic quest, which encourages her towards animal art. Birds or mammals, she exerts a precision and a realism that leads us to believe that her subjects are alive.
She uses acrylic as a medium, each scene applied to canvas originates from an image that touches and challenges her. She is particularly fond of the theme of mothers with their young.
It is through her art, in a hyper-realistic way, that she shares with us the splendor and wisdom of animals.
Internationally, she accepted an invitation from the prestigious Société National des Beaux-Arts and exhibited at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris in 2018.
She has won the public's choice award several times.
In 2021, she distinguished herself with the gold medal in an international competition.
Very recently, in the space of a few months, the artist has accumulated honours for her works in various competitions at the provincial and international level.
It is by admiring the beauty of nature that she becomes aware of its true value, but also of its fragility. Danièle’s mission is to transmit and share through her works, the deep love and respect she has for nature.
Stop by the gallery to see Danièle’s works of art in person. The details are magnificent and the wooden frame that is included with each painting is the perfect pairing for this talented artist’s work.