Our current programming is listed below.
All information can be found on the Facebook page and website regarding these activities. If you’re interested in a particular workshop that isn’t currently announced, please let us know and we’ll look into the possibilities. Signups can be done by sending the gallery a message, e-mail (creationperkins@gmail.com) or by phone with Rebecca at 819-471-1944. You can also contact us if you have any questions.
The following workshops are currently being prepared:
-Additional drawing/painting workshops with live models (next dates March 15th at 2PM and March 26th at 6PM)
-Clay modeling and sculpture workshop (there is sufficient interest and we are working on the planning for this to take place likely in the spring)
-Zentangles/mandalas/doodling/neuro arts (for relaxation and stress relief) --> The first one for adults will take place on April 10th at 6PM
The following workshops will be added if there is enough interest:
-Pastel workshops
-Watercolour painting workshops
-Acrylic painting workshops
-Easter activities for children
-Other activities for children
We are also open to other possibilities. Let us know what you'd like to see.
